Portrait by Caroline Wimmer
Hi there, it’s me, Matthias! I am an experienced Stylist based in Berlin working for various photo and video productions.
Starting out from personal styling at Outfittery my diverse range of projects includes collaborating on numerous exciting Editorials as well as executing e-commerce shoots of major brands like Hugo Boss and Zalando amongst others. Adding on top I recently explored the realm of motion pictures within an independent film set surrounding.
My general interest and subsequent expertise lies in new and vintage Designer clothes. Yet overall I do feel most comfortable dealing with high quality products. Being able to accommodate any project’s individual needs in terms of fashion from ideation to final realization I can help elevate your production to the level it deserves.
+49 151 6658 2961

partners and collaborators
alla lamas : alexandra armima : ana buvinic : antonia goy : atsuku kudo : bering : black things : blackbird berlin : bmw : bold berlin : calvin klein : chanel : choses jewelry : caroline wimmer : c’est moi magazine : coultique magazine : czar film gmbh : danny reinke : dominic packulat : dr. martens : dstm : dso berlin : dresp : ehlion : electric feel magazine : ellesse : ehrlich textil : elite models new york: etnia barcelona : eva gerholdt : falke : farrah floyd : fatma hourani : fiona bennett : ganni : guess : häberlein & mauerer : hanro : heidi rondak : heo mihye : hien le : herr von eden : iveta dimitrova : izaio management : julia schmidt & nikolas hagele : klaudia giez : konstantinos gkoumpetis : kristian fanselow : kurt geiger lambertz : la represents : lena gehrig : levi’s : lisa breitfeld : maison noee : malou : marciano : marielena krewer : marina hoermanseder : marta pawlowska : mercedes benz : mimik magazine : minimum : monica karsai : nobi talai : paige : philomena : rani bageria : roeckl : rey magazine : shoe passion : saskia diez : schiesser : skunk funk : steve madden : susumu ai : swarovski : teddy glickmann : tfm berlin : united nude : unützer : vangardist magazine : victoriia viednikova : vlada petre : vojd studios : wendy stephan : wrangler : zalando